Friday, September 26, 2008

My First

Don't have much time at the moment...well I suppose I kind of do. I am on strike at the moment (unpaid vacation) and am trying to fill the time will simultaneously finding myself. So typical multitasking again. :p I have been married for 3 years and have a 2 year old daughter and a 1 year old son. This year has been a huge year for change. Well I guess every year for the last 10 has been but this year it has effected my family. We lost the lead figure in our family at the beginning of the year and subsequently 2 others. It has been the toughest year to date. Meanwhile I'm still trying to figure out all of that cliche who am I now stuff, but it is so true.
So if you wish please feel free to join me on this journey I have begun (again) ;)

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